Friday, September 5, 2014

Reiki - Raku

Raku (pronounced Ra-Koo) The Completion Symbol

This is the final symbol in the Usui system of Reiki. It’s used as a divider between the teacher’s aura and the student’s aura during the final stage of attunement (or initiation). This symbol’s energy is a force to be reckoned with so it should be used carefully and with precision. The symbol is a lightning bolt that should be drawn from the heavens to the ground, as if “grounding” the energy.

How to use it:

Place the energy or the symbol itself between the Master and the student during the final stages of initiation. 

I’ve mentioned that you can visualize the symbol, write the symbol, trace the symbol, or speak the symbol. These are all valid ways of “activating” the symbols power and can be adjusted to the needs of the situation and person. Apply the energy harnessed from the symbols to your patient by going to the problem area (a headache, backache, etc.), the client’s hands/palms, or the clients crown chakra. Tamarasha (pronounced Tam-a-ra-sha) The Balancing Symbol

This Reiki is not of the Usui tradition of the above symbols. The Tamarasha is of Egyptian origin and can be included in the Seichim branch of Reiki. Some people who practice Usui Reiki will not use symbols from other Reiki influences. This symbol is known for providing balance and unblocking the energy chakras so energy can continue to flow evenly throughout the body. To activate this symbol you need to trace it over the source of pain. By holding this image in your mind you are increasing the flow of energy can again, heal pain at the source.

Reiki is a very powerful tool when used by the right people and for the right intentions. As a medicine, it’s widely known by alternative prescribers but not so widely accepted by conventional doctors as a viable treatment method. Learn more about how to become a

Reiki - Cho Ku Rei

Cho Ku Rei (pronounced choo-koo-ray) – The Power Symbol.

Place the power of the universe here. Essentially this power tool is the tool to help enhance the functionality of all the other tools. It keeps negative energy at bay and helps empower the user to be more effective, the tools to be more productive and the environment to be cleansed. Typically this symbol is used at the beginning of a session to ramp up the energies for healing, or at the end of a session to seal in the energy created. It can, however, be used at any point throughout a treatment as the healer sees fit. To do this, the healer can actually assign a function to the power symbol.

How to use Cho Ku Rei:

The healer can say Cho Ku Rei repetitively to call the energy to place, draw the symbol on paper with a utensil, or draw the symbol in the air with their hands. It can even be said silently in your head with similar results. Here are some example scenarios when this symbol can be used: 

For spontaneous treatments
 Spiritual Protection
 Food nourishment
 To aid manifestation
 To empower other Reiki symbols
 To cleanse negative energies

reiki - Sei Hei Ki

Sei He Ki (pronounced Say-Hay-Kay) Mental/Emotional Symbol

God and man become one. The bond between the body and the mind is inseparable. A physical ailment often times is related to a mental disturbance and likewise the opposite can be true. This symbol directly links the brain and the body as one, as being the source of ailments. Aside from Reiki traditions this belief is becoming prevalent amongst conventional doctors alike. This symbol is often used to heal patients suffering from mental disorders or illnesses, whether temporary or chronic, and can help fix imbalances between the left and right sides of the brain. Emotional development is crucial to our overall health and this symbol is a responsible remedy for this development.

How to use Sei He Ki

This mental and emotional symbol will be used by healers if the patient is suffering from mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, PTSD, nervousness, or anger. Specifically is can be used to:
 Treat addictions to drugs like alcohol, opiates and nicotine
 To aid in weight loss Improve memory and retaining information (for school or personal purposes)
 Help you find misplaced items (draw the symbol with the missing item title)
 Use this symbol in direct or distance healing for fixing emotional troubles

Reiki - Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Hon Sha Se Sho Nen (pronounced Hon-Sha-Zee-Show-Nen) Distance and mental symbol

 No past, no present, no future. This symbol is essentially the bridge that connects the soul and the body. It can be used in distance healing, regardless of time and space. In other words, a healer who wishes to treat a patient who is not present can utilize this symbol to create and send energy anywhere, anytime. It’s also used by some as a karmic healing tool. Hon Sha Se Sho Nen can access the Akashic Records, or the records of the soul. It’s worth mentioning that this symbol is not meant to be used to resolve a specific problem, like a headache. It is, however, intended to heal whatever needs healing. So don’t put limitations on what this symbol is capable of.

 How to use it:

 You can visualize this symbol, draw it in the air with your hands, while you picture the person you wish to send the energy to. You can also use a photo, a piece of clothing or personal belonging to the person – or even just a name.

 Send treatment to patients far away, or attunement
 Send Reiki to the future to help support certain tasks or circumstances
 Use this Reiki symbol to reach the past and release traumas

Reiki - Dai Ko Myo the master symbol

Contemporary Master symbol                 Traditional symbol

 Dai Ko Myo (pronounced dye-ko-me-o)

The Master Symbol Considered the most important symbol by many Reiki Masters, Dai Ko Myo awakens the patient to a new sense of strength and wisdom. This symbol is used to heal the soul and bring about enlightenment and a profound sense of connectedness. The Master symbol can ignite significant life change and heal diseases at the source. As a tool, the Master symbol helps to nurture your soul and physical body while it encourages you to do the same for others. This is the most commonly used symbol and can only be used by Reiki Masters.

 How to use it:


Tibetan Fire Serpent




what I'm thinking on the top of a roof

what I'm thinking on the top of a roof