Friday, September 5, 2014

Reiki - Raku

Raku (pronounced Ra-Koo) The Completion Symbol

This is the final symbol in the Usui system of Reiki. It’s used as a divider between the teacher’s aura and the student’s aura during the final stage of attunement (or initiation). This symbol’s energy is a force to be reckoned with so it should be used carefully and with precision. The symbol is a lightning bolt that should be drawn from the heavens to the ground, as if “grounding” the energy.

How to use it:

Place the energy or the symbol itself between the Master and the student during the final stages of initiation. 

I’ve mentioned that you can visualize the symbol, write the symbol, trace the symbol, or speak the symbol. These are all valid ways of “activating” the symbols power and can be adjusted to the needs of the situation and person. Apply the energy harnessed from the symbols to your patient by going to the problem area (a headache, backache, etc.), the client’s hands/palms, or the clients crown chakra. Tamarasha (pronounced Tam-a-ra-sha) The Balancing Symbol

This Reiki is not of the Usui tradition of the above symbols. The Tamarasha is of Egyptian origin and can be included in the Seichim branch of Reiki. Some people who practice Usui Reiki will not use symbols from other Reiki influences. This symbol is known for providing balance and unblocking the energy chakras so energy can continue to flow evenly throughout the body. To activate this symbol you need to trace it over the source of pain. By holding this image in your mind you are increasing the flow of energy can again, heal pain at the source.

Reiki is a very powerful tool when used by the right people and for the right intentions. As a medicine, it’s widely known by alternative prescribers but not so widely accepted by conventional doctors as a viable treatment method. Learn more about how to become a

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