Friday, September 5, 2014

Reiki - Cho Ku Rei

Cho Ku Rei (pronounced choo-koo-ray) – The Power Symbol.

Place the power of the universe here. Essentially this power tool is the tool to help enhance the functionality of all the other tools. It keeps negative energy at bay and helps empower the user to be more effective, the tools to be more productive and the environment to be cleansed. Typically this symbol is used at the beginning of a session to ramp up the energies for healing, or at the end of a session to seal in the energy created. It can, however, be used at any point throughout a treatment as the healer sees fit. To do this, the healer can actually assign a function to the power symbol.

How to use Cho Ku Rei:

The healer can say Cho Ku Rei repetitively to call the energy to place, draw the symbol on paper with a utensil, or draw the symbol in the air with their hands. It can even be said silently in your head with similar results. Here are some example scenarios when this symbol can be used: 

For spontaneous treatments
 Spiritual Protection
 Food nourishment
 To aid manifestation
 To empower other Reiki symbols
 To cleanse negative energies

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