Friday, September 5, 2014

Reiki - Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Hon Sha Se Sho Nen (pronounced Hon-Sha-Zee-Show-Nen) Distance and mental symbol

 No past, no present, no future. This symbol is essentially the bridge that connects the soul and the body. It can be used in distance healing, regardless of time and space. In other words, a healer who wishes to treat a patient who is not present can utilize this symbol to create and send energy anywhere, anytime. It’s also used by some as a karmic healing tool. Hon Sha Se Sho Nen can access the Akashic Records, or the records of the soul. It’s worth mentioning that this symbol is not meant to be used to resolve a specific problem, like a headache. It is, however, intended to heal whatever needs healing. So don’t put limitations on what this symbol is capable of.

 How to use it:

 You can visualize this symbol, draw it in the air with your hands, while you picture the person you wish to send the energy to. You can also use a photo, a piece of clothing or personal belonging to the person – or even just a name.

 Send treatment to patients far away, or attunement
 Send Reiki to the future to help support certain tasks or circumstances
 Use this Reiki symbol to reach the past and release traumas

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